Sunday 9 December 2012

WWII ME-282 Jet Fighter Concept

This is my concept for a delta winged variant, of the german world war two jet fighter, the Me-262.
I first began by initially drawing the shark like nose section of the Me-262, as this was the main focus point for me. I then played around with other features of the aircraft, such as positioning the engines on top of the fuselage, similar to an A10-warthog. 
I felt this outcome was expressing the type of aesthetic I was looking for. As it still displays many characteristics of a world war to era jet fighter. 
However I feel that the accuracy of the drawings is not perfect, mainly because I wanted to show the aircraft in an orthographic, plan view style. however as you can see not everything is in proportion.
this will be changed for future concepts.   

These are my initial colour tests. I took most of my inspiration from of the era aircraft and tank camouflage, to give me a good starting point.
I then adapted these into my own styles thinking about the different environments and locations which the aircraft could function. For example, forrest, desert, arctic etc...
I am happy with the colour schemes I have chosen here, the lighting isn't perfect but as its a new thing for me its something I will be focusing on.
This task took me about 6 hours.

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